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Art Around Us

Sofia Reyes Castillo
Sofia Reyes
Hishorn Art Museum
location Washigton D.C.


I am aiming to influence the readers to believe that art is more than just seeing paintings in a Museum, art has a power in the world. Art has beeing part of my life since I was really little. I attended art classes since i was 6 years old. I have always like to express myself in Art. With this project I want to explore on past art and research how it affected the world around.

Power of Avant-Garde

Milestone 1

Objective: Is art just something that we see in museums? Does it affects our lives? Does it have power in the world?
Avant-garde - the popular catchword for new and controversial art trends, the generic label for revolutionary aesthetic stances and grand- standing political gestures.
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Title of this Milestone
Objective: replace this text with a one-sentence statement that summarized your main objective for this milestone such as "a comparison of the text of Medieval English choral music to that of the Baroque" or it may be a question such as "to what extent did religion influence Christopher Wren's sense of design?"

Below the objective statement, Insert a one or two paragraph summary of your findings from having reached this milestone. Edit the link below to link to your milestone page.
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Milestone 3

Title of this Milestone
Objective: replace this text with a one-sentence statement that summarized your main objective for this milestone such as "a comparison of the text of Medieval English choral music to that of the Baroque" or it may be a question such as "to what extent did religion influence Christopher Wren's sense of design?"

Below the objective statement, Insert a one or two paragraph summary of your findings from having reached this milestone. If this milestone, for you, represents a humanities and arts capstone, please indicate so. Edit the link below to link to your milestone page.
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Activity Journal

The activity journal represents an ongoing log of reflections gained through each and every project activity on the calendar.

Week 1
  May 8,2017
  May 9,2017
  May 10,2017
  May 11,2017
  May 12,2017
Weekend 1

Tower of London building.PNG

British Museum.PNG


Boulevard at night.PNG

Olivia Birds.PNG

Week 2
  May 15,2017
  May 16,2017
  May 17,2017
  May 18,2017
  May 19,2017
Weekend 2

Tate Britain Tateb.jpeg

V&A Museum Olivia Birds.PNG

Tate Modern Olivia Birds.PNG

Museum of London Olivia Birds.PNG

Week 1

May 8, 2017

Westminster Abbey and Tower of London

​It was not my first day in London, but it was my first time in many things. It was my first time in the tube. I really liked the experience in comparison to other transportation in cities I have been. It is really modern and clean. Early morning we started the tour of Westminster Abbey. Our tour guide Carl explained the history of the building. Inside the Abbey we couldn't take pictures but I will never forget the incredible memorials to one of the most important people that have lived on earth. I really like the Gothic style of the building.

First we saw the Coronation Chair and The Stone of Scone. I was impressed by the story of the Scottish Stone and how one stone was so important in the history between England and Scotland. Then we saw the soldiers memorial and he explained that they put remembrance poppy on memorials because of a poppy flower that grew in battlefields.Our tour had to last 90 min but becaise of all of the history in this building it lasted almost 2 hours. The stories inside go from kings to queen, even Isaac Newton has a memorial. Personaly I loved Mary Queen of Scoots Memorial. Even the ouside of this building has history. Carl told us a story of a man that sacrifice himself during WWI to save another men life. In his honor they created a memorial in above the entrace of the building. With many other people that did create things.

Tower of London I wish we had a tour for a better understanding of it. But it was really impressive, all the crown jewels, the history of the crown. We got to see the guards and their apparel and how they change guards. A thing that amazed me the most was the animals the the crown had before. From Lions to polar bears. Because of its dangers they no longer have them, they only have ravens that belong to the queen. If you ever go to the Tower of London do not miss the crown jewels. I have no words to describe how Seeing with my eyes this precious fortune.

May 9, 2017

British Museum

​ After a nice 30 minute walk we got to the British Museum in the morning. I went in and I was impressed by the architecture. From outside it looks like an old building however it is has a really modern roof in the main area. As you get In you observe a giant room with a high irregular ceiling. The ceiling appears like a giant fluorescent light bulb. The marble stairs took us to all the exhibitions. From the times Egypt to America. The museum is I learned a lot about Greek too, it is amazing how much we can understand just by the sculptures in this museum. After we finished watching most of the museum. My group Emily, Olivia, Peter, Cole and Natalie sat a little to discuss an article we were going to create for this museum.

Inspired by my knowledge in the Mayan culture from high school, I contributed to a section in the British Museum referring to America and past civilizations. I had lunch in Russel Square and decided to go to Serpentine Gallery after to work on my milestone. In my way to the gallery I walked across Hyde Park. I found Hyde Park to be splendid! It is huge in comparison to the park I had lunch. I admire all the Londoners walking their dog, ridding their bikes or simply enjoying family time. Before arriving to my destination I came across many monuments including Albert's Memorial. I went into both Serpentine galleries and admired the works of famous modern artists. A particular artist triggered my creativity. She reminded me that "arte es útil" that can translate to arte has a purpose. I made the outline of my first milestone based on her ideas and my creativity.

May 10, 2017

St. Paul's Cathedral

​ ​ In general I have been enjoying my experience at London. Many things impress me. And St. Paul's Cathedral was definitely one of these things. ​I have always wondered why St. Paul's was one of the most popular places in London. When I got there I understood. The structure of the building is astonishing and it is incredible how this building has over stand many fires and has gone many reconstructions. I also appreciated the art within the cathedral. I was impressed first by the art in the roof. It is inevitable to admire the art in the famous dome by Sir James Thormill. Finding an artist was not easy. People were worried that the painter was going to be too catholic. He was chosen because he was British and Protestant. The painting in the dome talks about the life of St. Paul and the Fall and Redemption of human kind. In the three domes found in the ceiling of Quite and Aisle we can find mosaics that refer to God's creation of life. All this I learned though Audio Guide given us for free at the entrance. The audio guides were very interactive and I learned a lot with them, definitely a highlight of the day.

In the rest of the museum I found two pieces of art that I loved Mary by CBloxx, the most famous woman street artist. Out of the three upper galleries two of them where closed but the third one was incredible. The whisper room was what it seemed a thousand stairs up. From this room we could see the cathedral from above. I wasn't expecting to be able to see the building from that angle. After what seemed a thousand stairs we could appreciate more the dome and see the navy and transepts. This gallery also had the ability to transport sound really easily. If you whispered in the wall from one side of the room a person at the other side of the room could hear it.

After we left St. Paul's Cathedral we worked on a cute cafe. I contributed to the St. Paul's Cathedral with The Art from Inside because I was so impressed by the work of Sir James Thormill. After working for a while we went outside. Unusual to happen in London, it was really sunny andno clouds in the sky. I decided to explore and complete items missing in the scavenger hunt. I went to The Monument of Great fire of London near the tower of London. I saw this tall building and wondered if i would get to the top. I asked ans for students it was 3.5 pounds. This 3.5 pounds were definitely worth it, the view was amazing. You can see the entire city.

May 11, 2017

National Gallery

So far most of the places we have been were not realated to my milestones. However this ART gallery has everything to do with it. The National Gallery is located in Trafalgar Square in Central London. In front of the building you can always find local artists that do street art with chalk or with demonstrations. this museum contains more than 2,300 paintings. Because the entry is free of charge and it has so many known paintings it is one of the most visited art museum in the world.

Works of art in this museum date from the mid-13th century to 1900. I admired all the works of painters I have studied all my life. Personally my favorite era in art is Modern Art. I have read and written of painters from Monet to Cézanne. I have seen some of their works in museums in American including many in Worcester Art Museum. However in this Gallery I got to see their most famous paintings. Paintings like Bathers at Asnières, George Seurat, Sunflowers, Vicent van Gogh and many of Monet's paintings. Seeing the paintings I knew soo much about was priceless. After taking endless pictures we left. in our way out we encounter a concert going on in the square. Art is in the air in this area.

May 12, 2017

National History Museum

We came to the Natural History Museum. I felt like I was back in middle school in the class of life science. Every exhibition reminded me of chapters I learned back then. The Earthquake and Volcanos my first one and my favorite one. I have experience what earthquakes are and they are not fun. This exhibition first explane why do they happen. Later it explains the different this that can happen because of the movement of tectonic plates. Crystals are form but also entire cities can be destroyed like Pompeii. I was also impressed by the precautions we should have as Olivia mentions in her section of the Natural History Museum. As I mentioned before this museum reminded me of past classes I took in high school and by the end of this exhibition I had a really strong memory. I remembered when Honduras(home) had an 7.3 earthquake. This happened in 2009. I was 9 years old and I barely knew what earthquakes were. I remember that the next school day we had was dedicated to earthquakes. We learned the Richter scale. In honor to this memory I decided to contribute to the article as Olivia did by creating a section called Measuring and Predicting in the Natural History Museum. In Other exhibitions we saw materials we can find on earth, how the earth was created and many crystals we can find on earth. This exhibition were in the first section of the museum called the Red section.

​ We kept going through the other sections(Blue, Green and Orange). I learned many new things of many new species that live or have lived on earth like the dinosaurs. The dinosaurs exhibitions were impressive. However, I was not nearly as excited as the little kids to see the dinosaurs. After seeing the dinosaurs I thought our trip to the museum was over, however, we still had the Darwin Center also known as the pupil. This 8 story building contains scientist that preserve and study different species in the planet.

As we left the Natural History Museum, we came across the Victoria and ALBERT Museum(V&A). Part of group 2 (Emily, Olivia, Natalie and me) went to the museum in look for a study area we could use to work on our projects. I certainly didn't expect a museum of this beauty and size. We went though various exhibitions and we were impressed by the amount of content each exhibition has. V&A not only has beautiful exhibitions but it is also has National Art Library (NAL) with Reading rooms you can work on and thousand of art books you can read. I went in and was so excited, unfortunately to look at the books I had to get a card as in previous museums. I got the card and now I have access to all this material for my milestone.

Weekend 1

Nando's and Starbucks

This weekend was mainly to work on my milestone. Kristy and I went to Nando's for lunch near or flat. I decided to work on my milestone the rest of the weekend. on sunday we went to mass and later to Starbucks to work. We stayed there for hours. I almost finish the background of my milestone and created a few articles that related to my milestone. I created a article for Claude Monet and started one for Vincent Van Gogh.

Week 2

May 15, 2017

Tate Britain

​ This is week 2. We had a warm welcome to London, literally mostly sunny maybe cloudy. I was starting to believe that rainy London was a myth. However, I woke up this morning to rain. As I checked the weather I saw the real London was here. It is going to be cloudy and rainy all week! But that is not going to affect anything just maybe our cloth and shoes. ​
Today we came to Tate Britain. This art museum is located in central London in the waterline. From outside it seems like a simple and small museum. However, it has an amazing collection and it is anything but small. As you enter, neon lights in the main corridor are the first thing you noticed. As you went along the museum you saw that each different exhibition had an specific time. I started from the 1540 exhibition looking at art of important people in England. Almost all the works were about englishmen and their lives. However, as you went along, you saw how everything topics were changing. It went from traditional to modern. Olivia and I stayed in the Tate Library. I found really good books there and decided to stay there till our weekly group meeting with our advisors.

May 16, 2017

V&A Museum

May 17, 2017

Tate Modern

May 18, 2017

Museum of London

May 19, 2017

Work of Milestone

Weekend 2

My Complete Contributions

The journal section should end with the following link to your complete contributions (new articles, edited articles, added media, etc.); delete this sentence and replace the username Vjmanzo below with your own username:

All of My Created Content and Edits