
Counterculture Through The Ages

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The History of Counterculture

by Emily McEachern

The History of Counterculture
Milestone Image
Counterculture of the 1960s


This project aims to give a complete understanding of what counterculture is and where examples of it can be found in history. Also, it attempts to identify the counterculture of today. When people think of counterculture most of the time hippies and the 1960s will pop into their head, but time periods like the enlightenment can also be considered counterculture by its definition. I hope that after reading this project people will understand the complexity and quantity of countercultures throughout history. At WPI I have taken 2 History courses and 1 Philosophy course: HI 1332, HI 2332, and PY1731.


I suggest you save this section for last. Describe the essence of this project. Cover what the project is and who cares in the first two sentences. Then cover what others have done like it, how your project is different. Discuss the extent to which your strategy for completing this project was new to you, or an extension of previous HUA experiences.

As you continue to think about your project milestones, reread the "Goals" narrative on defining project milestones from the HU2900 syllabus. Remember: the idea is to have equip your milestone with a really solid background and then some sort of "thing that you do". You'll need to add in some narrative to describe why you did the "thing that you did", which you'd probably want to do anyway. You can make it easy for your advisors to give you a high grade by ensuring that your project milestone work reflects careful, considerate, and comprehensive thought and effort in terms of your background review, and insightful, cumulative, and methodical approaches toward the creative components of your project milestone deliverables.

Section 1: Background

What is Counterculture?

A counterculture, "rejects or challenges mainstream culture or particular elements of it" [1]. A counterculture action aims to show opposition, disagreement, and/or rebellion towards current culture in place. Countercultures are also defined as "embracing individual and social change"[2]. Individuality is extremely important to the idea of counterculture and the only time that it will reject individuality is when the expression of individuality becomes oppressive to othes[3]. Some ways counter culture is often displayed is through protesting against a particular issue, rebelling against an established way of doing things, trying to overcome oppression, and even creating a new culture when the current one in place is dissatisfying[4]. Methods used to express countercultural points of view are meant to promote action and provoke change among people. Often the unacceptability of counterculture is eventually taken as a normality by the general population and considered mainstream culture, this also makes it very difficult to identify a counterculture until a few years after it has originated. In the sections below I have included a few of the more modern methods people use to express their countercultural point of view.



1960s sign (15).jpg

Demonstation is used as a way for people to come together to physically protest against a particular situation that they do not agree with[5]. Demonstrations can sometimes turn into violent riots but in general they are one of the more peaceful forms of taking direct action against something. Peace protests have emerged to protest the threat of war and even the development of dangerous technologies like nuclear technology[6].

Civil Disobedience

Civil disobedience ghandi.jpg
Civil disobedience MLK.jpg

Historically, peace movements have been split on the decision to take more radical approaches of protest, like civil disobedience, over demonstration. Civil disobedience, like demonstration, is a form of direct action but it differs from demonstration because laws are broken in order to force an issue onto a political stage[7]. People for civil disobedience argue that small crimes, like the disruption of streets, are okay because they are protesting a much large crime or issue, like war or environmental damages. However, in the eyes of authorities, the breaking of a law is never okay and participants of civil disobedience are often treated as trespassers.
In England, the philosopher Bertrand Russell was an advocate for civil disobedience and participated in sit-ins as a founder of the Committee of 100[8]. A sit in uses disruptions to attract attention to the cause that is being protested against. During a sit in protestors will sit in an area and refuse to move until their wants are met or they are removed by the auhorities[9]. This method of protest was first used by Mahatma Gandhi and later adopted by others like Martin Luther King Jr. during the Civil Rights Movement.
Civil disobedience was also used by some of Bertrand Russell's Committee of 100 in the 1960s to find out and expose secret government information. Calling themselves the Spies for Peace, they supported people breaking into military bases and finding classified military information.

Living Demonstration

An example of living demonstration is squatting, where a person occupies an empty property without the owners permission or knowledge. To demonstrators this method is both practical an symbolic because it gives a place for homeless people to live and also raises awareness to the issue of homelessness. The issue of homelessness in London has been a controversial and serious one for a very long time and the development of the squatters movement in the 1960s relied on press coverage to get its message across[10].


Motivation for disruption often involves opposition to mainstream political processes and consumer culture. In the 1990s disruption developed certain specific characteristics like opposition to the car and its destructive qualities and a focus on civil freedom and democratic rights[11].
During the 1990s in England protesters took preventative measures like camping on construction sites of new roads to stop the building. Dedicated protestors even began moving from one protest site/community to another with no permanent home[12]. The people participating in this movement learned a lot from the squatters movement about how to get the attention of the media and how to avoid arrest, eventually producing their own websites and other press about how to avoid arrest in a protest situation.

Underground Press

Underground Press in the UK began in October of 1966, when the first edition of the International Times was published. An article on the British Library writes, "The Underground Press didn't say what you thought, but it did somehow express what you felt" [13]. These publications aimed to express the growing counterculture of the 1960s in the UK where reporters wrote about changing attitudes of young people with a very "radical" voice. The underground press was given its name because it did not accept current, dominant cultural beliefs and when mainstream news carriers refused to sell the International Times the writers and producers found young people to sell it to on the streets. Many of the underground papers were subject to police raids and charged with obscenity and trying to corrupt public morals[14]. Even the layouts of the papers were hard to read and represented counterculture in a bold way.

Do it Yourself

"Do it Yourself" counter culture is all about stopping the consumption of the culture that was made for you and making your own culture. It is also a way to reject normal and accepted ways of expressing oneself and and developing new methods for self-expression [15].
Fanzines, also known as "zines", became a popular form of expressing counterculture before websites became a medium of communication. The reason they became so popular is that they are not dependent on any kind of publisher, are not motivated by profit, and are not filtered through anything. They are not as regulated and monitored as many other similar digital things and became attractive to people looking for a place to freely express themselves [16]. Zines became so popular because they can be completely controlled by the person who creates them, which helps prevent misinterpretation, a problem that many countercultures have faces when dealing with mainstream media and press. Today, zines are not used much at all and the ones that are may never actually reach an audience.

Examples of Counterculture in History

The Enlightenment

One of the most significant counter cultural movements to date is the Enlightenment. Enlightenment thinkers, mostly white males, institutionalized many intellectual values leaving lasting impacts even on todays society. As a counterculture, the Enlightenment movement formalized rationalism and made liberty a social contract[17]. Prior to the Enlightenment, European countries were ruled by only a few aristocrats who believed they had the power to do what they wanted with the world, which according to them was given to them by God. The Enlightenment went directly against these ideas and within 100 years, people of power were allowing others to discuss and spread whatever new ideas they wanted to[18].

The Enlightenment brought many new philosophical viewpoints including those of René Descartes, who proposed that reason could help people to understand the physical world. This kind of idea was revolutionary for the time and completely unlike previous ideas[19]. Another philosopher, John Locke, went directly against the absolute monarchies of the time and stated that a government based on consent and majority ruling was the best way to govern a civil society[20]. Most likely the most important intellectual from the enlightenment was Francis Bacon, who is credited with the creation of the philosophy of modern science and technology. His ideas were completely opposite of medieval points of view, which stated that God, angels, and Satan are constantly interfering in the real world[21]. Also according to medieval ideas, there is no way to change the world to increase human happiness because it is not possible to change God's plan[22]. Bacon completely disagreed with this concept and argued that the way to true knowledge is to study the complexities of nature and the natural world.

In general, the freethinking of the enlightenment makes it a counterculture to the long medieval ages that came before it. Enlightenment thinkers publicly emphasized their opposition to religious philosophies of the past through their writings and statements of their new ideas.


Shortly after the beginning of the French Revolution, the Romanticism movement among intellectuals from both Europe and America took off, as a counterculture against the Enlightenment[23]. The Enlightenment challenged medieval kings, the church, class structure, and many other aspects of the previous society while romantics were extremely opposed to modern rationalism, which was a main product of the enlightenment. Romantic thinkers are reffered to as "anti-bourgeois'[24] and that they held tightly onto ancient ways of society. The Romantics of the first half of the 19th century completely rejected liberalism which has been puzzling to historians in the past. Liberalism and Democracy were denounced by some as being "herd-animalization" and a "form of decline in organizing power"[25]. Politically, Romantics like the German philosopher Hegel had strong influences on the totalitarisan systems of Nazism and Marxism[26].

The Romantic Period was a time of serious changes, where violent revolutions were taking place in both Europe and America. Poets like William Blake and William Wordsworth felt that they were "chosen" to help people through this changing and confusing time[27]. At the beginning of the Romantic period, Romantic poets in general were supporters of the French Revolution but changed their minds as the Reign of Terror came into reality. Romantic poets emphasized the idea that the imagination could help people overcome their troubles and Percy Bysshe Shelley even declared that poets "are the unacknowledged legislators of the world"[28]. Contrary to the Enlightenment, Romantic work was deeply rooted in the individual rather than focusing on society as a whole, and Romantics praised youth and innocence as being authoritative rather than those with age and experience.

Romantics also believed that children held a special place in the world because of their innocent perspective[29]. In the writings of romantics they encouraged people to explore new placed and made the world seem like it had unlimited opportunities for all.

Specific oppositions against the Enlightenment were shown through the introduction of the Gothic novel. One of the most famous Romantic novelists was Ann Radcliffe, who's work focused on struggling middle-class women who desired to see new places and inspiring landscapes[30]. Mary Shelley's famous work Frankenstein displays aspects of the Romantic movement, like the idea that scientific discoveries are driven by imagination, which is a direct contrast to that of the Enlightenment[31].

Art during the romantic period moved away from classical traditions and developed a new type of emotionalism that contrasted the ideas of "classical restraint"[32].


Civil Rights Movements

Hippies of the 60s

Punks of the 90s

Section 2: Deliverable

Additional Image

The Revival of the Hippie movement


In this section, provide a summary or recap of your work, as well as potential areas of further inquiry (for yourself, future students, or other researchers).


  1. Counter Culture. (2006, September 22). Retrieved June 06, 2017, from
  2. Murphy, D. D. (n.d.). Romanticism and Counterculture The Rise of an Alienated Intellectual Subculture . Retrieved June 07, 2017, from
  3. Forward, S. (2014, February 18). The Romantics. Retrieved June 09, 2017, from
  4. T. (n.d.). Romanticism – Art Term. Retrieved June 09, 2017, from
  5. Sirius, R. U., & Joy, D. (2006). Counterculture through the ages: from Abraham to acid house. New York: Villard.

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  1. Counter Culture. (2006, September 22). Retrieved June 06, 2017, from
  2. Sirius, R. U., & Joy, D. (2006). Counterculture through the ages: from Abraham to acid house. New York: Villard.
  3. Sirius, R. U., & Joy, D. (2006). Counterculture through the ages: from Abraham to acid house. New York: Villard.
  4. Counter Culture. (2006, September 22). Retrieved June 06, 2017, from
  5. Counter Culture. (2006, September 22). Retrieved June 06, 2017, from
  6. Counter Culture. (2006, September 22). Retrieved June 06, 2017, from
  7. Counter Culture. (2006, September 22). Retrieved June 06, 2017, from
  8. Counter Culture. (2006, September 22). Retrieved June 06, 2017, from
  9. Counter Culture. (2006, September 22). Retrieved June 06, 2017, from
  10. Counter Culture. (2006, September 22). Retrieved June 06, 2017, from
  11. Counter Culture. (2006, September 22). Retrieved June 06, 2017, from
  12. Counter Culture. (2006, September 22). Retrieved June 06, 2017, from
  13. Counter Culture. (2006, September 22). Retrieved June 06, 2017, from
  14. Counter Culture. (2006, September 22). Retrieved June 06, 2017, from
  15. Counter Culture. (2006, September 22). Retrieved June 06, 2017, from
  16. Counter Culture. (2006, September 22). Retrieved June 06, 2017, from
  17. Sirius, R. U., & Joy, D. (2006). Counterculture through the ages: from Abraham to acid house. New York: Villard.
  18. Sirius, R. U., & Joy, D. (2006). Counterculture through the ages: from Abraham to acid house. New York: Villard.
  19. Sirius, R. U., & Joy, D. (2006). Counterculture through the ages: from Abraham to acid house. New York: Villard.
  20. Sirius, R. U., & Joy, D. (2006). Counterculture through the ages: from Abraham to acid house. New York: Villard.
  21. Sirius, R. U., & Joy, D. (2006). Counterculture through the ages: from Abraham to acid house. New York: Villard.
  22. Sirius, R. U., & Joy, D. (2006). Counterculture through the ages: from Abraham to acid house. New York: Villard.
  23. Murphy, D. D. (n.d.). Romanticism and Counterculture The Rise of an Alienated Intellectual Subculture . Retrieved June 07, 2017, from
  24. Murphy, D. D. (n.d.). Romanticism and Counterculture The Rise of an Alienated Intellectual Subculture . Retrieved June 07, 2017, from
  25. Murphy, D. D. (n.d.). Romanticism and Counterculture The Rise of an Alienated Intellectual Subculture . Retrieved June 07, 2017, from
  26. Murphy, D. D. (n.d.). Romanticism and Counterculture The Rise of an Alienated Intellectual Subculture . Retrieved June 07, 2017, from
  27. Forward, S. (2014, February 18). The Romantics. Retrieved June 09, 2017, from
  28. Forward, S. (2014, February 18). The Romantics. Retrieved June 09, 2017, from
  29. Forward, S. (2014, February 18). The Romantics. Retrieved June 09, 2017, from
  30. Forward, S. (2014, February 18). The Romantics. Retrieved June 09, 2017, from
  31. Forward, S. (2014, February 18). The Romantics. Retrieved June 09, 2017, from
  32. T. (n.d.). Romanticism – Art Term. Retrieved June 09, 2017, from