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Revision as of 16:26, 11 May 2017 by Bjsecino (talk | contribs)


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Ballroom Frame


Frame is one of the most visually recognizable features of ballroom dances, and is composed of a couple's posture and hold.


Victor Fung
In 2016, Victor fung was considered to have the best frame in the world

Frame differs from one dance to another, but is always characterized by the shoulders being down and back and by the sternum being raised. Frame is especially important in Standard and Smooth Dances. As of 2016, Victor Fung, a Professional Standard World Finalist, is considered to have the best frame in the world[1].

Smooth/Standard Posture

For both Smooth and Standard dances, the spine is precisely arranged to accentuate normal good posture and project confidence. To do this, the spine is extended and straightened. The belly button is pulled inward toward the spine, filling out the lower back. The collarbone is lifted, stretching the thoracic spine. The head then sits backward on the shoulders, with half of the head in front of the shoulders and the other half behind. For Standard dances, followers exaggerate even further, bending backwards away from the leader[2].

Smooth/Standard Hold

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  1. Frame and Elbows. (2016, February 26). Retrieved May 11, 2017, from
  2. Perfect Posture. (2016, May 25). Retrieved May 11, 2017, from