
The Rise of New Design in Old London

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Milestone 2

by Jacob Dupuis

Photography / Architecture
Milestone Image
Place Holder


The paragraph should give a three to five sentence abstract about your entire London HUA experience including 1) a summary of the aims of your project, 2) your prior experience with humanities and arts courses and disciplines, and 3) your major takeaways from the experience. This can and should be very similar to the paragraph you use to summarize this milestone on your Profile Page. It should contain your main Objective, so be sure to clearly state a one-sentence statement that summarizes your main objective for this milestone such as "a comparison of the text of Medieval English choral music to that of the Baroque" or it may be a question such as "to what extent did religion influence Christopher Wren's sense of design?"


I suggest you save this section for last. Describe the essence of this project. Cover what the project is and who cares in the first two sentences. Then cover what others have done like it, how your project is different. Discuss the extent to which your strategy for completing this project was new to you, or an extension of previous HUA experiences.

As you continue to think about your project milestones, reread the "Goals" narrative on defining project milestones from the HU2900 syllabus. Remember: the idea is to have equip your milestone with a really solid background and then some sort of "thing that you do". You'll need to add in some narrative to describe why you did the "thing that you did", which you'd probably want to do anyway. You can make it easy for your advisors to give you a high grade by ensuring that your project milestone work reflects careful, considerate, and comprehensive thought and effort in terms of your background review, and insightful, cumulative, and methodical approaches toward the creative components of your project milestone deliverables.

Section 1: Background

Regent Street Between Tube Stations - Oxford Circus Station - Piccadilly Circus Station

Street Layout

Current Historical Construction Princes Street Space

Go over how the street has evolved and how traffic patterns operate.
...use as many subsections or main sections as you need to support the claims for why you did what you did for your Deliverable section...

Retail Spaces / Offices

Apple Store H&M 221 Regent Street (Furla) Cos Lulu Lemon Bose Information Kiosk

This section would go over existing spaces on Regent Street and how they have integrated new design into the existing buildings, and how the could have improved the integration. Will also go over the history of the spaces that these places now occupy.
...and so on and so forth...

Section 2: Deliverable

Additional Image

In this section, provide your contribution, creative element, assessment, or observation with regard to your background research. This could be a new derivative work based on previous research, or some parallel to other events. In this section, describe the relationship between your background review and your deliverable; make the connection between the two clear.

Street Layout

Envisioned Princes Street Space Replanned Efficient Travel

Retail Space

Reenvison/Blending Information Kiosk 221 Regent Street



In this section, provide a summary or recap of your work, as well as potential areas of further inquiry (for yourself, future students, or other researchers).


Add a references section; consult the Help page for details about inserting citations in this page.

Attribution of Work

For milestones completed collaboratively, add a section here detailing the division of labor and work completed as part of this milestone. All collaborators may link to this single milestone article instead of creating duplicate pages. This section is not necessary for milestones completed by a single individual.

External Links

If appropriate, add an external links section

Image Gallery

If appropriate, add an image gallery